Национальный психологический журнал (Sep 2019)
Problems and opportunities of implementing inclusive education in modern University
Background. Currently, one of the priorities of education reform is the introduction of inclusive education. Although «inclusion» is not a new phenomenon for our country, there are many difficulties and obstacles to its effective implementation. For the Republic of Dagestan and Chechnya, the experience of inclusion has not yet found wide application in educational practice, and therefore the problems and opportunities of implementation at the transition stage are important for the prospects of development of this direction. The Objective of the paper is based on the analysis of the experience of inclusive education (IO) abroad to investigate the problems of implementation (IO) in the system of higher education in the Republic of Dagestan and the Chechen Republic. Design. Analyzed and reviewed the methodological issues of inclusive education with the aim of enhancing understanding of the capabilities and modus operandi (IO). As a result of the sociological survey, the main problems that start at the first stage of the introduction of inclusive education, such as psychological unpreparedness of participants of the inclusive process to the introduction of such education in educational organizations, are identified. Research result. The issues of the order of work of inclusive education (IO) in the Republic of Dagestan and in the Chechen Republic testify to the existence of numerous problems. The survey allowed to identify the main contradictions of the educational environment of the University, preventing the introduction of IO in the training of students with opfr. Conclusion. Based on this study the conclusion about the necessity of establishing at the University a centre of inclusive learning. The main possible activities of the Center, its structure and required resources are proposed.