SoftwareX (Dec 2024)
Ignis: A one-dimensional laminar flame code
Laminar flame codes have an important role in combustion modeling. They can provide a fundamental understanding of flame dynamics and provide a basis for building subgrid scale models in turbulent flow simulations. This paper presents Ignis, an open-source laminar flame code with the capability to offload submodels, like soot formation and radiation, using external packages and libraries. Ignis is written in C++, is documented with Doxygen, and is available on GitHub. It contains three different flame formulations: diffusion flames, premixed flames, and laminar flamelets solved in the mixture fraction coordinate. An option to facilitate creation of a diffusion flame table is also included. These options allow for Ignis to be used as a flame model for comparisons against experimental data, for use in turbulent subgrid models, or for flame structure investigations.