Український стоматологічний альманах (Mar 2015)


  • K.V. Storozhenko,
  • P.S. Flis,
  • N.N. Tormahov

Journal volume & issue
no. 6
pp. 52 – 55


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Mesial occlusion is characterized by excessive development of the mandible and its displacement forward (anteriorly) on a background of underdevelopment of the maxilla or it’s retopologize. Orthodontic appliances equipped intermaxillary tractions are using to move the mandible back and maxilla anteriorly in the treatment of patients with this disease [1, 2]. Difficulty of treatment mesial occlusion using orthodontic appliances such causes the need for mechanical-mathematical modeling of their work. This work devoted to a solution issues associated with definition the magnitude and direction of the orthodontic efforts generated by devices with intermaxillary tractions in the treatment of mesial occlusion. The purpose and research problems. The aim of this study is to improve the methods of orthodontic treatment of patients with mesial bite through structural design of orthodontic appliances on the basis of mechanical-mathematical modeling of their work. Results of the study. Conducted the mechanical-mathematical modeling of the orthodontic appliance work, equipped with intermaxillary tractions. Analyzed the orthodontic efforts produced by intermaxillary tractions, depending on the angle of inclination relative to the occlusal plane. Recommendations for the manufacture of structural elements of orthodontic appliances are given. Conclusions. Mechanical-mathematical modeling has shown that orthodontic efforts are required to move the mandible in the desired position depends not only on the magnitude of the tension of the intermaxillary tractions, but also on the angle of inclination to the occlusal plane. At a positive angle of inclination intermaxillary tractions vertical component of the tension of the intermaxillary tractions performs mutual pressing of plates arranged on the upper and lower jaws of the appliance and generates friction force, which prevents mutual displacement of the jaws. If you increase the length of hooks, which attached to the traction the angle of inclination of the intermaxillary tractions to occlusal plane becomes negative. The mutual effort of pressing plates and the frictional force between the plates becomes equal to zero, which contributes to the increase of orthodontic force with the same effort of intermaxillary tractions. However, we must take into account that increasing the length of the hooks may cause inconvenience to the patient. If intermaxillary tractions parallel to the occlusal plane the tension of tractions will be equal to the orthodontic. This arrangement of intermaxillary tractions in the appliance for the treatment of mesial occlusion can be considered optimal, since the tensile force of tractions will be fully used for the correction of malocclusion of the patient.
