Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi (Dec 2015)
Aggressive Angiomyxoma of the Vulva: a Distinct Clinical Entity
Aggressive angiomyxoma is a rare mesenchmal tumour arising from connective tissue of the perineum or the lower pelvis, and affect predominantly young women. Our case was 20-year-old female who was operated for a vulvar mass clinically misdiagnosed as Polyp . Histopathological examination of the surgical specimen revealed, haphazardly scattered spindle or stellate shaped mesenchymal cells and vessels of medium size having dilated lumens within a loose hyposellular myxoid stroma No mitoses were evident.The spindle-or stellate-shaped tumor cells were diffusely positive for vimentin, but negative for cytokeratin, S-100 protein, and myoglobin and and #945;-smooth muscle actin by immunohistochemistry. These histologic and immunohistochemical findings were compatible with diagnosis of AA. Clinically AA is mixed with Bartholin's duct cyst, vulvar abscess, lipoma, vaginal cysts in diagnosis AA of the vulva must be distinguished from the more common benign and malignant myxoid tumors including myxoma, myxoid neurofibroma, pseudosarcoma, myxoid liposarcoma, myxoid leiomyosarcoma and other soft tissue tumors with secondary myxoid changes. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(4.000): 803-806]