Модернизация, инновация, развитие (Jul 2017)
Formation of Innovative Infrastructure of the Industrial Sphere
Purpose: in article problems of formation of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere in the Russian Federation are investigated, her merits and demerits are considered. In the context of foreign experience the analysis of statistics of development of innovative infrastructure on the basis of which is carried out the main shortcomings constraining efficiency of her work are allocated. Among them lack of cooperation between the organizations of infrastructure, a gap between scientific sector and business community, lack of effective communications between participants of innovative process, information opacity, extremely insufficient financing, and also low demand for innovations from the industrial enterprises, lack of motivation at business to carry out financing of innovative projects. Authors offer mechanisms of formation and management of innovative infrastructure. The purpose of article is increase in efficiency of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere. Article tasks: to analyse a condition of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere in Russia; to study foreign experience of formation of innovative infrastructure; to reveal shortcomings of functioning of innovative infrastructure; to offer mechanisms of formation and management of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere. Methods: hen carrying out a research data of Rosstat, legislative and normative legal acts, state programs of development of innovative activities and the industrial sphere, fundamental and application-oriented works of authoritative scientists in the field of innovative development were the main sources of basic data. The research is based on theoretical methods of scientific knowledge, in particular use of methods of synthesis and deduction, and also methods of empirical knowledge for which allowed to open a range of a set of problems which hinder with innovative development of the industrial sphere. Results: the analysis of the current state of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere in Russia is realized, its advantages and shortcomings of comparison to foreign practice are revealed. The low performance of functioning of innovative infrastructure in general is shown. Line items of the Russian Federation in the Global innovative index are analyzed, the measures and mechanisms directed to the substantial increase of efficiency of functioning of innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere to the Russian Federation, providing activation of the market of researches, their orientation to needs of the region and the Russian economy in general and also creation of effective communications between all participants of innovative process are proposed. Conclusions and Relevance: considering that efficiency of innovative processes depends not only on activities of their participants, but also on how these participants interact with each other, implementation of the offered sentences allows to create well controlled and effectively operating innovative infrastructure of the industrial sphere providing a producing and support of competitive innovations.Keywords: