Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Apr 2020)

Permission for departing: spiritual nursing care in human finitude

  • Leoni Terezinha Zenevicz,
  • Júlia Valéria de Oliveira Vargas Bitencourt,
  • Marcela Martins Furlan de Léo,
  • Valéria Silvana Faganello Madureira,
  • Maira Buss Thofehrn,
  • Vander Monteiro da Conceição

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 73, no. 3


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ABSTRACT Objectives: To reflect on teaching experience in the application of the spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Methods: It is a methodological reflection and description of a subtle technology for spiritual nursing care called permission for departing. Results: the permission for departing is a spiritual care that allows for an intentional therapeutic relationship of trust and safety among the professional, patients, and the family, enabling the expression of feelings, beliefs, and religious or spiritual rites that help in death and dying situations. Final Considerations: a concept structured by words and attitudes reinforcing what is positive was coined, aiming at a consciousness state of peace and the promotion of dignity in the death and dying process, as well as for time for the patients, their families and the team to experience contemplation and parting.
