Drepturile Omului (Dec 2024)
„Raportul ONU privind promovarea și protecția drepturilor omului în contextul schimbărilor climatice”
The Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights in the context of climate change, Elisa Morgera, prepared a Report on access to information on climate change and its impact on human rights in July 2024. The report was presented at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. The report highlights the challenges and good practices related to access to information on climate change and human rights and clarifies the international obligations of states, recommending the strengthening of international cooperation which can increase public awareness and participation. By ensuring access to credible and transparent information, the states should give the opportunity to every citizen to adapt and manage extreme situations in a timely manner. The responsibility of the business environment in preventing negative effects that some development projects could have on the climate and human rights is also highlighted. The report aims to inform on the interpretation and implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change. It is stressed that Member States must take on their climate change obligations, as well as the Glasgow Climate Action Work Programme. Last but not least, it recalls the importance of achieving at global level Sustainable Development Goals 13 (climate action) and 14 (life below water) of the 2030 Agenda to which Member States adhered in 2015.