Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology (Nov 2015)
RB99395: Sugarcane cultivar with high sucrose content
RB99395 cultivar was developed by the Sugarcane Breeding Program at the Federal University of Alagoas, which is part of RIDESA. In 1999, seeds were obtained from crosses between RB867515 cultivar and pollen from an unknown genotype in “Serra do Ouro” Crossing Station. The process of selection and experimentation was carried out in three Research Stations of Alagoas. RB99395 cultivar was released in Alagoas in May 2010, and has a high content of sucrose throughout the harvest period. Planting is recommended in fertile soils and in environments with no water deficiency, a condition which results in high agricultural yields. It is tolerant most diseases that occur in Northeast, Brazil.