Manganese metabolism in the body of the honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) at different periods of ontogenesis
The results of studies of manganese metabolism in honey bees are presented. The study was conducted in conditions of the department of technology of production and processing of small animals of Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies Lvivy. In the course of work the material selected on an educational apiary of university was investigated and in some apiaries of Lviv region. In particular, samples of different species were taken for study pollen. The study was pollen, which was selected after 15 days of storage in the hive. Along with this, the material for the study was honey, royal jelly, wax. From the biological material we studied the mineral composition of larvae and bees stages of adults of different ages and genders. One-day-old worker bees and drones in May, August, and December were selected to determine seasonal change and sex differences. Research of age changes in larvae 3 and 6 days of age were carried out by sampling biological material from 5 bee families of equal strength and feeding regime. A frame was used to obtain a one-year-old brood - an insulator in which a cell with a uterus for laying eggs was placed. After the bees come out of the cells they were placed in one family. The main sources of its entry into the body have been studied. It is established that the largest amount of manganese is contained in samples of dandelion and winter oilseed rape and is 4.5 mg/100 g of pollen. The smallest amount of Manganese 1.87 mg/100 was recorded in clover skin g. The insignificant content of Manganese in bee pollen from buckwheat of 2.32 mg/100 g. Manganese metabolism in the body of honey bees at different stages of ontogenesis has been studied. In particular, the chemical composition of muscle fibers of adult bees, larvae of different ages was studied. the content of this element in different departments of insects. The dynamics of manganese accumulation is observed not only depending on sex, age, season of the year, and also on physiological features of bee families. The content of Manganese in the main products of beekeeping: royal jelly, honey, wax and bee pollen. According to research, the main number Manganese in the body of honey bees is contained in the cuticle – the outer skeleton that covers it body and chitinous formations that make up the internal skeleton. Its amount averages 1.78 mg/100 g. In the body of the bee, the manganese content varies widely.