Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (Nov 2017)
L’autobiografia come metodo educativo, autoeducativo e di ricerca nella prospettiva del «lifelong learning»: progetto per una indagine esplorativa
Autobiography as an educational, self-educational and research method in a lifelong learning way: an exploratory survey project. Qualitative research in educational sciences and, specifically, autobiographical methods in pedagogical research and education are gradually spreading, as they can be used in different contexts of life and environments. After a long-lasting debate between the supporters of quantitative methodologies and supporters of qualitative methodologies, they came to a conciliation with the so-called mixed methods. Multi-year research project and sub-projects presented used different samples: teachers and educators, and detainees. They were asked to fill an autobiographical writing format, which stimulates personal reflection and recovery of experiences through cognitive, affective, emotional, perceptive solicitations to achieve better identity awareness and orienteering to improve and plan own future in LLL way. Data analyses had carried out using both quantitative, through main statistical methods, and qualitative methodologies, through an original method inspired by Grounded Theory by Glaser and Strauss. To the detainees, a cognitive and satisfaction questionnaire had administrated using the same data analysis methodologies. Main results show that most people of samples have a great desire to take time to reflect on themselves and on their own experiences, to communicate and share them, because they said autobiographical writing experience was very involving, challenging, agreeable, useful and educational/self-educational, as it allows increasing their awareness and desire to improve themselves. As results showed, usefulness of autobiographical methods in pedagogical research had confirmed: they allow achieving multiple goals, primarily confirming the questions made.