Annals of Silvicultural Research (Dec 2009)
Rinnovazione agamica e produttività degli eucalitteti di E. occidentalis e di E. x trabutii della fascia ionica crotonese nei primi quattro cicli colturali
Agamic regeneration and wood productivity in the E. occidentalis and E. x trabutii plantation of the ionian area of Crotone at the first four cultivation cycles. Here are explained the results of clear cutting without the release of standards trials conducted in stands of E. occidentalis and E. x trabutii of the ionian area of Crotone (Calabria) at the end of the first four cultivation cycles: gamic (April 1974) and agamic (April 1984, 1993, 2001). The plantations, even if partially expressing their productive potentialities for the environment, objectively difficult where there have been plantings, have guaranteed, in the first three agamic cycles, a low mortality of the stumps, a discrete ability of regeneration, a good shooting faculty. The mortality in the E. x trabutii is higher than the one in the E. occidentalis, both in the gamic phase and in the group of the agamic cycles. The ability of agamic regeneration and the shooting faculty in the E. occidentalis are higher than in the E. x trabutii . As regards the bearing of the coppice shoots, the first class (vertical) stems are a prerogative of the E. x trabutii. The average diameter and height in the E. x trabutii coppice shoots are higher than in the E. occidentalis ones. The ipsodiametrical ratio of the coppice shoots is high both in the E. x trabutii and in the E. occidentalis, so the agamic stems, in comparison with seed plants, are at greater risk of weather damage. In the last two agamic cycles the regeneration of the radical coppice shoots with an invasive feature and short and worn out crowns, appeared in some areas of both species. The cormometrical volume per hectare produced by the two species in the agamic cycles is sensibly higher than the one found in the gamic phase and, in the last cycle, still slightly growing. In the coppices the eight-year-old wood stands vary from 42-49 m3ha-1 for the E. occidentalis, to 59-83 m3ha-1 for the E. x trabutii. The plantations of eucalypts of Crotone, for the availability of remarkable quantities of biomass for industrial use and in order to be still extended on about 4500 hectares, constitute stands of great economic interest.