Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (Jan 2009)
Europe in Movement: Migration from and into Eastern and Central Europe
Two historical events have had a fundamental importance in shaping the new migration trends in Eastern and Central Europe (ECE): the collapse of the Soviet block and the region’s return to Europe, when the first eight countries became full members of the European Unionon 1 May 2004 as a point of inflection. Before 1990, and for several decades, international migration was contained by the totalitarian regimes of the ECE. Based on this scenario, the study describes the different kinds of migration movements that have taken place inthe region since 1989; it analyses migration processes from and into the ECE following its incorporation into the European Union, as well as examining the possible causes for the size, dynamics and geographic direction of the migration flows that took place between EU-8 and EU-15, since the EU carried out its eastward enlargement.