Applied Sciences (Aug 2020)
Relationships between Surface Properties and Snow Adhesion and Its Shedding Mechanisms
Understanding the mechanisms of snow adhesion to surfaces and its subsequent shedding provides means to search for active and passive methods to mitigate the issues caused by snow accumulation on surfaces. Here, a novel setup is presented to measure the adhesion strength of snow to various surfaces without altering its properties (i.e., liquid water content (LWC) and/or density) during the measurements and to study snow shedding mechanisms. In this setup, a sensor is utilized to ensure constant temperature and liquid water content of snow on test substrates, unlike inclined or centrifugal snow adhesion testing. A snow gun consisting of an internal mixing chamber and ball valves for adjusting air and water flow is designed to form snow with controlled LWC inside a walk-in freezing room with controlled temperatures. We report that snow adheres to surfaces strongly when the LWC is around 20%. We also show that on smooth (i.e., RMS roughness of less than 7.17 μm) and very rough (i.e., RMS roughness of greater than 308.33 μm) surfaces, snow experiences minimal contact with the surface, resulting in low adhesion strength of snow. At the intermediate surface roughness (i.e., RMS of 50 μm with a surface temperature of 0 °C, the contact area between the snow and the surface increases, leading to increased adhesion strength of snow to the substrate. It is also found that an increase in the polar surface energy significantly increases the adhesion strength of wet snow while adhesion strength decreases with an increase in dispersive surface energy. Finally, we show that during shedding, snow experiences complete sliding, compression, or a combination of the two behaviors depending on surface temperature and LWC of the snow. The results of this study suggest pathways for designing surfaces that might reduce snow adhesion strength and facilitate its shedding.