Российский офтальмологический журнал (Dec 2023)
A new method of surgical upper eyelid ptosis treatment
Purpose: to develop a new method of surgical treatment of moderate upper eyelid ptosis.Material and methods. 88 patients (106 eyes) aged 5–68 years (averagely 24.9 yrs), operated for moderate or severe upper eyelid ptosis, were divided into 3 groups depending on the degree of upper eyelid prolapse and levator function. Group I (43 patients, 47 eyes) had satisfactory mobility of the upper eyelid, its fold being smoothed or absent. Group II (15 patients, 15 eyes) had good mobility of the upper eyelid with a smoothed fold; this group was further divided into subgroups IIa and IIb depending on the technique of the operation. Group III (30 patients, 44 eyes) had low upper lid mobility (less than 4 mm) with no fold. Group I and subgroup IIa underwent a resection of the upper eyelid levator. In subgroup IIb, a new method was used: levatoroplasty with the formation of a levator duplicature. In group III, a suspension operation was performed to the frontalis muscle.Results. In 10 cases (11 %), the results obtained by the new method of ptosis corrections were significantly better as compared to conventional resection: small edemas were resolved within a week, and the mobility of the upper eyelid levator was restored sooner.Conclusion. The proposed technique showed good functional and cosmetic results, proved to be more sparing, retains all upper eyelid tissues and can be successfully used for moderate upper eyelid ptosis.