SAGE Open Nursing (Jun 2021)

Patients’ Experience of Attending a Binge Eating Group Program – Qualitative Evaluation of a Pilot Study

  • Kristine Rørtveit RPN, MNS, PhD,
  • Bodil Furnes, PhD,
  • Elin Dysvik, PhD,
  • Venke Ueland, PhD

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7


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Introduction : We developed a group program for patients with binge eating disorders (BED), comprising cognitive therapy, affect consciousness, and therapeutic writing. We wished to investigate how therapeutic writing and affect consciousness were experienced by the patients when integrated in a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program. To our knowledge, such an intervention has not been tried in patients with BED. Aim: To explore patients’ experience of attending a binge eating group program comprising therapeutic writing, affect consciousness, and CBT. Research question: How do patients evaluate their experience of attending an integrative binge eating group program? Method: A qualitative design using an evaluative focus group interview with participants (four women and two men) who had completed the pilot program. Results: Three themes emerged: Enhanced self-awareness about the meaning of feelings ; A more generous attitude towards oneself ; and On the path to a better grip on the eating difficulties . Discussion: We interpreted the three themes in light of transition processes. The program was described as an essential part of the healing process and seems valuable for enabling new approaches leading to therapeutic changes when suffering from BED.