Autopsy and Case Reports (Jun 2012)

Intra-oral surgical access for the treatment of bilateral submandibular sialolithiasis: case report

  • Ricardo Martins,
  • Carlos Augusto Ferreira Alves,
  • Edson Martins de Oliveira Junior,
  • Fernando Melhem Elias,
  • Antônio Carlos de Campos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 2


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Sialolithiasis is a disease that affects the salivary glands. It is characterized by the presence of calcified structures within the duct system or within the glandular parenchyma. Those calculi, or sialoliths, can obstruct normal salivary flow, potentially leading to infectious sialadenitis, with pain, local swelling, and purulent discharge. Treatment typically consists of the surgical removal of the calculus, often in conjunction with sialoadenectomy. The authors report an atypical case of bilateral submandibular gland sialolithiasis treated conservatively, using intra-oral access to remove the calculi.
