e-cadernos ces (May 2022)
Literatura e periferia(s): a emergência de outras vozes na literatura brasileira
The literary expressions of what is considered to be Brazilian Marginal-Peripheral literature are currently based on the most diverse areas of knowledge. They encompass important discussions stemming from and centering on the narrative and discursive space of the peripheries that, in addition to the concept of fictional space and literature, realism and literature, allow for considerable debates, above all, those about the identity and symbolic nature of peripheral subjects/characters. In view of this context, in this article we will take up the notions of language, discourse and subjectivities to examine the discursive clippings of the short stories Rolézim and Espiral found in the work, O sol na Cabeça (2018), by the writer Geovani Martins, resident of the favela of Rocinha, one of the largest in Latin America. Our aim is to analyze how other characters find it possible to construct their own identity in the face of the historical marks of representations.