Cadernos de Saúde Pública (Apr 2008)
Avaliação do Programa Saúde da Família nos municípios do Estado de Santa Catarina, Brasil Assessment of the Family Health Program in municipalities in Santa Catarina State, Brazil
Esta pesquisa avaliativa teve o propósito de classificar os municípios de Santa Catarina quanto à implantação do Programa Saúde da Família. Foram consideradas três categorias (satisfatória, intermediária e insatisfatória) e dois períodos de análise (2001 e 2004). Os indicadores utilizados foram de cobertura, de indício de mudança no modelo assistência e de impacto. Os resultados demonstraram que a cobertura teve uma alteração significativa entre 2001 e 2004 (p This evaluative study aimed to classify the municipalities (counties) in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil, as to implementation of the Family Health Program, using three categories (satisfactory, intermediate, and unsatisfactory) and two different periods (2001 e 2004). The indicators were coverage, evidence of change in the healthcare model, and impact. According to the results, coverage increased significantly from 2001 to 2004 (p < 0.0001). Evidence of change in the healthcare model and impact did not change significantly. In 2001, 48% of the municipalities showed an unsatisfactory situation, as compared to 45% with intermediate and 7% satisfactory performance, while in 2004 the figures were 29%, 58%, and 13%, respectively. Improvement in classification from 2001 to 2004 was statistically significant (p = 0.0061). Analysis of the data as a whole showed that changes in the final classification resulted basically from the coverage indicator, demonstrating effective expansion in access. However, these indicators did not show significant changes in the healthcare model during the period analyzed.