Актуальные проблемы филологии и педагогической лингвистики (Dec 2018)
The genre characteristic aspects of the latest Russian and Spanish flash fiction: between anecdote and paroemia
The article deals with research of microgenres of modern short stories. In article it is shown that the genre is not only the complex of formal and substantial properties, but, first of all, it is the certain behavioural model determined by the society. So the change of the genre painting of the Spanish literature reflects the tendencies reigning in the Spanish society. The relevance of this research is caused by lack of works on the theory of short story genres in the newest literature of Spain. In article it is shown that the idea of disappearance of category of a genre as variable given in advance is replaced by understanding of a genre as the category found in process of writing of the literary work. These tendencies correspond to universal ones: the transformation of the genre painting in modern literary process is determined by change of the sphere of existing of texts today, caused by emergence of gadgets, change of an art paradigm, and the culture of postmodernism. The author of article brings up a question of succession of a phenomenon of super brevity that was known since an antique era. In article it is shown that the Spanish writers of the XVI century actively used antique maxims, paremias and anecdotes as the sources. Special attention is paid to process of literation of paremias of antique writers Valery Maxim and Erasmus of Rotterdam in works of the Spanish writer Juan Timoneda. The analysis of the latest prose of Spain shows that modern Spanish writers actively use the short prose that demonstrates changes of the relations between authors, the work and the reader. The genre analysis of the presented works of the latest Spanish literature shows that they represent the hybrid complex combining signs of a number of classical genres, marking a new stage of development of genres in present period.