Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Jun 2018)

Effect of health teaching on post partum minor discomfort

  • Heba Talla El Ashmawy Shabaan,
  • Yousria Ahmed El Sayed,
  • Gehan Ghonemy

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 198 – 203


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Background: Postpartum period is a time of vast change for women both physically and psychologically. During this period, women needed to information regarding minor discomforts and how to deal with them. Aim: Evaluate the effect of health teaching on women experience of minor discomfort during postpartum period. Design: Quesi experimental (pre and posttest one group) design was selected for this study. Sample: A convenience sample of 150 subjects was selected according to certain criteria. Setting: Postpartum unit at Maternity University Hospital, Cairo Governorate. Tool: Semi-structured Interviewing sheet, maternal knowledge regarding postpartum minor discomforts follow up tool. Results: Subjects age ranged from 20 to 40 years with 44% completed secondary school education, 9.3% reached high level of education, also, the study conveyed a level of improvement regarding breast engorgement, after pain, urinary retention, constipation and episiotomy pain. Sixty-four point seven of subjects mention that they weren’t aware of expected minor discomforts during postpartum period before health teaching was given. After the teaching, only 0.7% of subjects were not aware of postpartum minor discomforts. Conclusion: Teaching helped to improve the women’s knowledge regarding postpartum discomforts. Recommendations: Health educational package on postpartum discomforts should be given on discharge should be written in clear and comprehensive explanation supported by drawing pamphlets especially for illiterate one. Keywords: Postpartum, Minor discomfort, Health teaching