Reduced frequencies and functional impairment of dendritic cell subsets and non-classical monocytes in myelodysplastic syndromes
Nathalie van Leeuwen-Kerkhoff,
Theresia M. Westers,
Pino J. Poddighe,
Giovanni A.M. Povoleri,
Jessica A. Timms,
Shahram Kordasti,
Tanja D. de Gruijl,
Arjan A. van de Loosdrecht
Nathalie van Leeuwen-Kerkhoff
Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam
Theresia M. Westers
Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam
Pino J. Poddighe
Department of Clinical Genetics, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Giovanni A.M. Povoleri
Department Inflammation Biology, King's College London, Centre for Inflammation Biology and Cancer Immunology, London
Jessica A. Timms
Systems Cancer Immunology Lab, Comprehensive Cancer Center, King's College London, London
Shahram Kordasti
Systems Cancer Immunology Lab, Comprehensive Cancer Center, King's College London, London, United Kingdom; Dipartimento Scienze Cliniche e Molecolari, UNIVPM, Ancona
Tanja D. de Gruijl
Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam
Arjan A. van de Loosdrecht
Department of Hematology, Amsterdam University Medical Centers, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Cancer Center Amsterdam
In myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) the immune system is involved in pathogenesis as well as in disease progression. Dendritic cells (DC) are key players of the immune system by serving as regulators of immune responses. Their function has been scarcely studied in MDS and most of the reported studies didn’t investigate naturally occurring DC subsets. Therefore, we here examined the frequency and function of DC subsets and slan+ non-classical monocytes in various MDS risk groups. Frequencies of DC as well as of slan+ monocytes were decreased in MDS bone marrow compared to normal bone marrow samples. Transcriptional profiling revealed down-regulation of transcripts related to pro-inflammatory pathways in MDS-derived cells as compared to normal bone marrow. Additionally, their capacity to induce T-cell proliferation was impaired. Multidimensional mass cytometry showed that whereas healthy donor-derived slan+ monocytes supported Th1/Th17/Treg differentiation/expansion their MDS-derived counterparts also mediated substantial Th2 expansion. Our findings point to a role for an impaired ability of DC subsets to adequately respond to cellular stress and DNA damage in the immune escape and progression of MDS. As such, it paves the way toward potential novel immunotherapeutic interventions.