Anali Pravnog Fakulteta u Beogradu (Jan 2020)
Contractual waiver of claim under the 1978 Yugoslav Code of Obligations
The paper analyses validity of contractual waiver under the Yugoslav Code of Obligations. Generally, the effect of a waiver of claim under the Code would be an obligation to refrain from exercising a certain right that may be invoked as defence against the waived claim. Under the Code of Obligations, a waiver of claim is generally valid. There are cases where validity of the waiver is explicitly excluded. Is a waiver invalid only in cases where it is expressly forbidden? If not, what would be the criteria under which, irrespective of the fact that there is no express prohibition, a waiver would nevertheless fail to produce effects? Are there additional criteria if a future claim is waived? This paper deals with these issues, seeking to set the criteria under which a (generally permitted) waiver of existing and future claims shall not be effective in a concrete case under the Code.