Svět Literatury (Jun 2024)
Synové Kafky: Kafkovské intertexty v díle Pétera Esterházyho, Mihálye Kornise a Szilárda Borbélye
The study focuses on three authors of contemporary Hungarian literature who enter into a dialogue with Kafka’s texts through intertextual references and elevate these intertexts to the level of textforming elements in their own works. It examines Kafkaesque intertexts in Péter Esterházy’s Indirect (Függő) and The Book of Hrabal (Hrabal könyve), Mihály Kornis’s drama Punishments (Büntetések), Szilárd Borbély’s poetry collection Berlin — Hamlet and his posthumously published fragmentary novel Kafka’s Son (Kafka fia). Based on the analyses carried out, it can be concluded that Kafka’s significance for contemporary Hungarian literature is not limited to the simplistic category of literary influence, but involves multifaceted and complex interactions that, in the case of all three authors under study, are related to the desire to transcend the prevailing literary discourse.