Zhongguo youzhi (Dec 2022)
贵州麻阳河国家级自然保护区油脂植物资源 及多样性特征分析Analysis of oil plant resources and diversity characteristics in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou province
为了解贵州麻阳河国家级自然保护区油脂植物资源的现状,为当地油脂植物的保护及可持续利用提供科学依据,通过野外调查及访问,结合文献查阅和标本整理,对麻阳河自然保护区油脂植物资源进行了调查分析。结果显示:该地区有油脂植物78科150属213种,其中裸子植物9种,被子植物204种。含种数在10种以上的优势科有2个,分别是蔷薇科和樟科;在生活型多样性上,乔木油脂植物占有明显的优势,共有88种, 占总种数的41.31%;种子、果实、种仁是麻阳河自然保护区油脂植物主要的含油部位;在植物区系上表现为以热带分布为主。麻阳河自然保护区油脂植物种类丰富,生活型、含油部位、油脂用途多样,但开发利用的种类较少,应加大对该地区油脂植物保护,同时科学合理地开发和利用该保护区的油脂植物资源。 To understand the status of oil plant resources in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, Guizhou province, and to provide a scientific basis for protection and sustainable utilization of local oil plants, the oil plant resources in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve was analyzed and studied through field investigation and interview, combined with literature and specimen collection. The results showed that there were 78 families and 150 genera and 213 species of oil plants in Mayanghe National Nature Reserve, including 9 species of gymnosperms, 204 species of angiosperms. There were two dominant families,which had ten or more oil plant species,included Rosaceae and Lauraceae.Based on the diversity of life forms, arboreal oil plants (88 species) were dominated, accounting for 41.31% of total species. Seed,fruit and kernel were the main oily parts of the oil plants in Mayanghe Nature Reserve. The family and genus of the geographical distribution were mainly tropical. Mayanghe Nature Reserve is rich in species of oil plants, with various types of growth types, oily parts, and functions, but there are few kinds of developed commodities. Therefore, the protection of oil plant resources in Mayanghe Nature Reserve should be strengthened, as well as the development and utilization of the oil plant resources scientifically and rationally should be performed.