Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem ()

Construction and validation of a matrix for normative evaluation of the integrated health system of the borders

  • Luciana Aparecida Fabriz,
  • Valéria Conceição de Oliveira,
  • Fabiana Costa Machado Zacharias,
  • Silvia Helena Valente,
  • Denise Ferro,
  • Ione Carvalho Pinto



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Objective: to build and validate a matrix for normative evaluation of the Integrated Health System of Borders. Method: a methodological study, composed by the construction of an evaluation matrix elaborated in three stages: elaboration of the logical model, containing the triad of structure, process and result; definition of evaluative questions and appearance and content validation of the matrix. Appearance and content validation were performed simultaneously by seven judges. For data collection, an online questionnaire and the Delphi technique were used and, for analysis, the Content Validity Index and Content Validity Ratio. Results: the evaluation matrix containing 24 questions was submitted to two evaluations for its appearance and content validation. In the first, the overall mean Content Validity Index was 99.40% and the Content Validity Ratio was 0.90. In the second, the Content Validity Index was 100% and the Content Validity Ratio, 1.0; there were no new proposals and the matrix was made up of 24 questions. The matrix was considered intelligible in terms of appearance validation. Conclusion: the evaluation matrix of the Integrated Health System of the Borders is validated in terms of appearance and content for analyzing the performance of public actions and policies in border regions.
