Data in Brief (Aug 2017)
Proteomics data on MAP Kinase Kinase 3 knock out bone marrow derived macrophages exposed to cigarette smoke extract
This data article reports changes in the phosphoproteome and total proteome of cigarette smoke extract (CSE) exposed WT and MAP Kinase Kinase 3 knock out (MKK3−/−) bone marrow derived macrophages (BMDM). The dataset generated is helpful for understanding the mechanism of CSE induced inflammation and the role of MAP kinase signaling pathway. The cellular proteins were labeled with isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantitation (iTRAQ®) reagents and analyzed by LC-MS/MS. The standard workflow module for iTRAQ® quantification within the Proteome Discoverer was utilized for the data analysis. Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software and Reactome was used to identify enriched canonical pathways and molecular networks (Mannam et al., 2016) [1]. All the associated mass spectrometry data has been deposited in the Yale Protein Expression Database (YPED) with the web-link to the data:;jsessionid=6A5CB07543D8B529FAE8C3FCFE29471D?series_id=5044&series_name=MMK3+Deletion+in+MEFs Keywords: MKK3, Cigarette smoke, Inflammation, Proteomics, iTRAQ®