Jurnal Delima Harapan (Apr 2018)
Analysis Of Factors Affecting Nutritional Status Toddler Problems In Ponorogo Region
Problems of nutritional status (malnutrition) in Toddlers in Ponorogo region is a problem that needs attention, given the Toddler is the future of the nation. Therefore necessary to identify the factors (food consumption, infectious diseases, knowledge, work) that affect nutritional status Toddler. So that could be conducive to preventing and overcoming. This research is analytic with Toddler population in the region are experiencing problems Ponorogo Toddler nutritional status. The sample number 164 Toddler derived from Health Center (Puskesmas) South region, Sukosari and Sukorejo, purposiv sampling with sampling techniques. The results showed: (1) the majority of respondents (57.1%) have a habit of giving the consumption of foods that are not in accordance with the recommendation of health, and the majority of respondents (64.3%) had a toddler with less nutritional status. While the test results showed statistically sig = 0.017 ( 0.05), which means there is no relationship between maternal work status issues Toddler Nutrition. It is recommended: (1) Mother Toddler always pay attention to food consumption includes the quality and quantity of food toddler every day and gain knowledge and insight about a balanced nutritious food, although mothers work, (2) health worker: continue to provide education on nutrition Toddler, perform monitoring of food consumption and nutritional status of children and improve the comprehensive midwifery service. (3) Health Agencies: health education are expected to further streamline the monitoring of nutritional status of children. (4) Other Researchers: expected to develop the factors that affect food consumption can reduce the occurrence toddler nutrition toddler problems.