Acta Medica Medianae (Apr 2007)
Ultrasonographic diagnostics is a sovereign diagnostic method of discovering disorders in growth and development of embryo. The main aim of this research is The Comparison of Ultrasonographic Placenta Examination with Pathohistologic Treatment of Placenta considering those pregnancies previously verified to have embryo anomalies and which were ended by the procedure of feticide. During the period of 2001 – 2004, 15 pregnant women, with gestation between the 24th and 28th week, were hospitalized in our clinic. Ultrasonographic placenta examination was carried out during the expertise sonography immediately before deciding to commit feticide. The descriptive medical findings were divided into the clinical entities estimating the continuity of basal body, insertion, volume, and echo-structure of placenta substance. The procedure of feticide was carried out in regular treatments using intracardial application of 7,4 % KCl or transabdominal, intra-amnial instillation of 20 % NaCl under the control of ultrasound.The patients with the embryo anomalies were divided into three groups:I – the group with the diagnosis of embryo hydrocephalusII – the group with the diagnosis of other anomalies of growth of embryo's CNSIII – the group of patients with other embryo anomaliesPathohistologic placenta examinations were carried out in the Department of Pathology and Forensic Medicine in CC Kragujevac.The ultrasonographic placenta finding of the patients with the different embryo anomalies was not statistically very different (x2 – test; p=0,073). However, besides the lack of significant difference, what is reasonable considering the size of the sample, we notice quite different ultrasonographic findings of the placenta examination of the patients having the embryo with hydrocephalus in comparison to those patients having the other embryo anomalies of CNS. The ultrasonographic placenta examination of the patients having the other embryo anomalies was similar to the finding of the patients having the embryo with hydrocephalus, and the most frequent finding in the group with hydrocephalus was cystic degeneration of placenta, and in the group with the other hydrops placenta anomalies. Among the groups of patients with different placenta anomalies, statistically significant difference was not noticed in the pathohistologic finding obtained by placenta examination (x2 – test; p=0,955).Ultrasonography is a sovereign, non-invasive diagnostic procedure in antenatal pro-tection of pregnant women. If we doubt that there is inadequate growth and development of embryo, such pregnancy must be correctly diagnosed and treated as soon as possible, ideally until the 22nd week of gestation.