Iatreia (Oct 2017)
Clinical and epidemiological round: journal club
In this edition of the clinical and epidemiological round, we analyzed four articles which we have considered relevant to the clinical practice. Spaite et al. studied for the first time in the medical literature the truly prognosis value of a hypotensive threshold in the reanimation of the patient with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury. Oluwalana et al. assessed the impact of oral administration of azithromycin during delivery on the risk of maternal and neonatal infections. On the other hand, Esplin et al. evaluated the accuracy of the transvaginal cervical length and serial fetal fibronectin, alone or in combination, to predict spontaneous preterm birth in nulliparous pregnant women. Finally, the FOURIER group’s study assessed the effect of the reduction on LDL cholesterol levels achieved through evolocumab administration, in patients with clinically-evident cardiovascular disease which have a statin optimized therapy, on the composite outcome of cardiovascular death, stroke, myocardial infarction and need of hospitalization due to unstable angina or coronary revascularization.