Revista Diálogo Educacional (Jan 2012)
A Metodologia da Problematização em três versões no contexto da didática e da formação de professores
This text presents part of a study that used, as investigation method, Karel Kosik's three degrees/moments of elaboration and focused on the Problematization Methodology with Maguerez's Arch as a teaching way (with research) in the field of Didactics. After many years of studies and experiences with the Problematization Methodology, it was possible to know its origin characteristics, what made it possible to identify and analyze three explanation and usage versions to Maguerez's Arch: Manguerez's, Bordenave's and Berbel's. It was also possible to notice a reinterpretation/resignification process of the Arch from its first elaboration, in terms of its steps, target public and didactics actions in its use. A common point that permeates the explicative versions is its use as a methodological way towards professional formation, continued or initial, being the two last versions emphasis on teacher formation. It was noticed that the problematization or the problem's elaboration was not present in Maguerez's version, being the decisions centered on the proposal's elaborators. Yet, in the second version, the problems were elaborated by the teachers differently from in the third version, which is thought and used to promote such learning by the students who are positioned as main protagonists of the whole process. Maguerez strived to surpass formation's traditional conception as well as Bordenave and Pereira, those pointing the Arch as suitable for a problematizing pedagogy.