Ankara Araştırmaları Dergisi (Jan 2024)
Medieval Glazed Ceramics From Gordion
This paper aims to present glaze ceramics recovered from ST (South Trench), A4 (Area 4), and Op.54 (Operation 54) trenches of Gordion in Phrygia. As a working method, instead of casting the finds of each trench separately, grouping them according to form characteristics under the technical features indicated by the glazes and decorations was preferred. It is observed that the ceramic groups discussed in this study are similar in terms of fabric and form. There is also a similarity with the finds from Amorium Upper City, Karacahisar Castle and its surroundings, Anaia, Pergamon, and Ephesus. Although more detailed analysis is required regarding the production locations of the ceramics discovered, Gordion and its nearby geography have a high potential to be a production center. Pottery sherds unearthed from the contexts of Gordion excavations enable us to obtain data about the location and purposes of use of the settlement in the Principalities Period. The article's purpose is to examine the socio-economic identity of the local people of Gordion through this data. The main premise of the research is the problem of determining the chronological gaps (hiatus) seen after the Late Antique Period in Gordion and determining the exact chronology of the settlement continuity through the vessel forms belonging to the Principality Period.