Sociologies (Dec 2023)

Nouveaux savoirs spécialisés sur le biologique et redéfinitions de la responsabilité : génomique de l’ancestralité, épigénomique environnementale et ADN ancien

  • Francois Romijn



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Drawing on recent research, this paper extends facets of Jean-Louis Genard’s work –on the reconfigurations of the relationship to responsibility– in areas of practices where molecular biology circulates modes of interpretation that resists modern responsibility. Based on three distinct sets of specialist knowledge increasingly accessible to the general public –genomic ancestry testing, environmental epigenomics and ancient DNA research– social actors discursively entangle biology and identity narratives through specific temporalities that connect past and present, as well as establish connections between self and others. In a context where contemporary populations yearn for connection to the past, new forms of relationship to responsibility and the construction of identities emerge from these narratives, and unveil social dynamics associated with new forms of domination/emancipation that accompany scientific research involving (epi)genomics. Both can be brought to light by reflections and tools developed by Jean-Louis Genard.
