Red U (Dec 2014)

Training Needs of University Teachers: an Analysis from the Training Program of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

  • Elisa Jato Seijas,
  • María Amalia Muñoz Cadavid,
  • Beatriz García Antelo

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 4
pp. 203 – 229


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The introduction and adaptation of European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has generated an increase in the interest towards studies about the analysis of teaching qualification needs for university teachers to improve the planning and development of continuous training. This study aims to explore and describe the academic needs perceived by the USC teaching staff. To attain that goal, a descriptive-type investigation has been carried out, using a questionnaire that gathers information focusing on three main characteristics: identification data; educational needs expressed by the teaching staff concerning different features and planning of the training offered. The sample consists of 301 teachers of different knowledge areas of the USC. The statistical analyses are of both the descriptive and comparative type. The obtained results allow the introduction of improvement elements in the design and planning of training for the university teachers. In this sense, the findings point to the development of strategic action lines, contextualized and interrelated with professional practice.
