Соціальна економіка (Jun 2024)
In difficult times of the country, the state is trying to fulfill its socio-economic obligations to society. A significant burden on the implementation of the budget policy is borne by the economic and financial sector of business in cooperation with the authorities. The implementation of the priority goals of sustainable development, which envisages improving the standard of living of the population and overcoming poverty, is also manifested in the economic burden and moral and ethical norms of each person. The analysis of economic well-being and social well-being in a single concept of social capital highlights the main directions of the state’s work, which are manifested not only in social assistance and targeted support, but also in the desire of every Ukrainian for self-realization and initiative. The chain of interaction "state-business-society", based on respect and trust, is the main driver of development, innovative progress in the reconstruction of the post-war country. The chain of interaction "state-business-society", based on respect and trust, is the main driver of development, innovative progress and recovery of post-war countries. Ukrainian society needs attention and assistance in a difficult time for the country: raising the subsistence minimum and minimum wage, regulating pricing policy and food security, reducing unemployment and migration, strengthening the areas of education and healthcare reform, etc. The article highlights the understanding and division of socio-economic development in two directions, which is based on economic welfare (objective economic welfare, subjective economic welfare and contrived economic welfare) and social well-being (social well-being of society and social well-being of the individual), proposes a definition and analysis of the qualification features of these concepts. Objective economic welfare is the main component of economic welfare, which is responsible for the level of availability of priority goods and services for the population, and state assistance in this direction is extremely necessary. The effectiveness of state institutions in terms of forecasts and specific assistance and developments of low-income segments of the population is evaluated. Statistical and comparative analysis of the dynamics of consumer prices during the war gives hope for the stabilization of pricing policy and food security. The food market is a rigid project of the real path of socio-economic development of the state, which, on the basis of purchasing power, reflects the capabilities of the population, the level of satisfaction of the necessary needs.