Problemi Ekonomiki (Jun 2018)
The Justification of the Possibility for Introducing a System for Analyzing a Regulated Stock Market
The article presents the justification of the need to introduce an analysis system into the activity of a regulated stock market in order to reveal facts of manipulation. In this aspect, the possibilities of mathematical grouping of homogeneous elements of complex economic systems to analyze and monitor their state are presented. The formation of structural and functional groups is carried out using a neural network model of clustering — Kohonen self-organizing maps. The proposed methods of structural and functional groups have already been used for conducting an early diagnosis of financial stability of banks and classifying their business models. The relevant tools are proposed to be distributed for the analysis and monitoring of a stock market in order to identify transactions with an increased risk of manipulation. An effective and objective monitoring of any market segment requires identifying high-risk objects and using modern methods for processing report data. Stability of the market development is largely determined by the existence of clear rules and understandable restrictions brought to the notice of market participants. To properly perform the functions of the state regulator of a stock market, there needed methodological developments that determine the conditions for control, application of measures of influence, sanctions for violations. Transparent and unambiguous formulations of conditions create the necessary basis for coordinated work of market participants. The development of appropriate tools requires modern mathematical methods, including the use of the method of structural and functional groups.