Travmatologiâ i Ortopediâ Rossii (Sep 2013)
Tactics of surgical treatment for thoracic and lumbar spinal injuries
The analysis of results of surgical treatment of 154 patients with a vertebral and spinal trauma of chest and lumbar departments of a backbone aged from 16 till 75 years is carried out. All patients were operated in Bryansk city hospital N 1. The volume and sequence of surgeries, and existence were defined with the combined damages, character of an injury of a backbone and a spinal cord or absence free part bone bodies of the injured vertebra compressing a spinal cord defined different accesses on a backbone. So, surgeries at 125 (81,2 %) patients were carried out from one back access, at 23 (14,9 %) patients - to the combined back and lobbies and at 6 (3,9 %) patients - front and back access. In all cases for fixing of a spine implants “Sintez” firm (St. Petersburg) were used. Results of treatment were estimated on neurologic dynamics, restoration of an axis of a backbone, a gleam of the vertebral channel and restoration possibility of a support of a backbone. Good results of treatment are received at 87 (56,5 %), satisfactory - at 55 (35,7 %) and unsatisfactory - at 12 (7,8 %) patients.