Fracture and Structural Integrity (Sep 2017)

Fatigue crack propagation prediction of a pressure vessel mild steel based on a strain energy density model

  • P. J. Huffman,
  • J. Ferreira,
  • J.A.F.O. Correia,
  • A.M.P. De Jesus,
  • G. Lesiuk,
  • F. Berto,
  • A. Fernandez-Canteli,
  • G. Glinka

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 42


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Fatigue crack growth (FCG) rates have traditionally been formulated from fracture mechanics, whereas fatigue crack initiation has been empirically described using stress-life or strain-life methods. More recently, there has been efforts towards the use of the local stress-strain and similitude concepts to formulate fatigue crack growth rates. A new model has been developed which derives stress-life, strain-life and fatigue crack growth rates from strain energy density concepts. This new model has the advantage to predict an intrinsic stress ratio effect of the form ?ar=(?amp)?·(?max )(1-?), which is dependent on the cyclic stress-strain behaviour of the material. This new fatigue crack propagation model was proposed by Huffman based on Walkerlike strain-life relation. This model is applied to FCG data available for the P355NL1 pressure vessel steel. A comparison of the experimental results and the Huffman crack propagation model is made.
