Papeles de Población (Jan 2011)
Percepciones de VIH/sida y parejas sexuales simultáneas: un estudio de biografías sexuales mexicanas
There is evidence that concurrent partners have an impact on the spread of HIV/AIDS pandemic. However, in Mexico it is not clear yet if this risk is perceived by the persons experimenting those relationships, or by those who fi nd out or suspect that their partner have had a sexual relationship with another person, and how they respond to risk perception. Sexual Biographies framework allows examination of the accumulated sexual experience, the material conditions of sexuality and the partner situation in order to understand the perception of risk with concurrent and not concurrent partners. The objective is to identify the HIV/aids risk perception among males and females that have had concurrent partners or that their partner have them, the normative and cultural reference that prevents or promotes this perception and the actions and responses regard the risk perceived. Data included 80 in-depth interviews of the sexual life in fi ve regions of Mexico in 2006.