Alfred Nobel University Journal of Law (Jun 2024)
The article examines the implementation of the principles in separate proceedings. It was determined that disputes considered in separate proceedings have their own special procedural form. On the one hand, separate proceedings are characterized by general principles of law, branch, and not only economic, but also civil, administrative proceedings, it is also proposed to highlight special principles specific to separate proceedings. Some principles of judicial proceedings are analyzed and their features specific to separate proceedings are determined. Separate proceedings, like other court proceedings, are based on the principle of the rule of law, which is applied taking into account judicial practice, including the practice of the European Court of Human Rights. The principle of good faith is defined as a unique principle that combines legal, moral and ethical aspects. On the one hand, the principle of good faith can be considered as a certain standard of behaviour of a participant in court proceedings, on the other hand, it is the person's internal awareness of his actions or inaction. When conducting separate proceedings, the principle of good faith plays a significant role, taking into account the fact that, based on the Code of Ukraine on Bankruptcy Procedures, the economic court, in whose proceedings a bankruptcy (insolvency) case is pending, resolves all property disputes in which the debtor is a party within the scope of this case. Taking into account the position of the court in the process of separate proceedings, the role of the court is determined through the principle of procedural activity of the court. The principle of the court's activity during separate proceedings is provoked by the court's duty to maintain public interests in order to ensure the stability of economic relations and the significance of the adopted judicial acts for a wide range of subjects. The principle of court activity interacts with the principles of dispositiveness and competition. The principle of procedural activity of the court is aimed at limiting the formal approach to the consideration of the case and exercising preventive judicial control over the procedural actions of the participants in the proceedings in order to satisfy the demands of creditors, as well as to restore the solvency of an individual.