РМЖ. Мать и дитя (Feb 2018)

Iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women: prevention and treatment

  • Yu.E. Dobrokhotova,
  • Bakhareva I.V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 2(I)


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Iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women: prevention and treatment Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Bakhareva I.V. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is one of the most common diseases in the world. In more than 90% of cases of anemia in pregnant women it is the iron deficiency anemia, while the frequency of IDA detection depends on the level of social and economic development of the region. The article describes in detail the stages of development of iron deficiency, the effect of anemia on fetal development, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of IDA in pregnant women. Treatment is considered both from the point of view of the diet therapy, and the appointment of drug treatment. Pathogenetic methods of IDA treatment are ferrotherapy (oral and intravenous), erythropoiesis stimulating drugs in combination with ferrotherapy and blood transfusion. The main drugs for anemia treatment and the replacement of iron reserves are oral iron preparations. Various groups of iron preparations are considered and compared, including the iron (III) containing drug succinylate protein (Ferlatum). High therapeutic efficacy of Ferlatum / Ferlatum Fol and its good tolerability with minimal side effects makes it possible to recommend it as a drug of choice for the prevention of anemia, treatment of latent iron deficiency and IDA during pregnancy. Key words: iron deficiency, iron-deficiency anemia, pregnancy, iron preparations, iron (III) protein succinylate, Ferlatum, Ferlatum Fol. For citation: Dobrokhotova Yu.E., Bakhareva I.V. Iron deficiency anemia of pregnant women: prevention and treatment //  RMJ. 2018. № 2(I). P.59 –64.