Brazilian Oral Research (Apr 2012)

Effect of pre-heated dual-cured resin cements on the bond strength of indirect restorations to dentin

  • Alexandre Morais,
  • Alline Rachid Abreu dos Santos,
  • Marcelo Giannini,
  • Andre Figueiredo Reis,
  • José Augusto Rodrigues,
  • César Augusto Galvão Arrais

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 26, no. 2
pp. 170 – 176


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This study evaluated the effects of resin luting agents (LA) polymerized using increased temperature on the in vitro microtensile bond strength (mTBS) of indirect restorations to dentin. The occlusal dentin surfaces of 40 human third molars were exposed and flattened. The teeth were assigned to 8 groups (n = 5) according to the LA temperature (25°C o r 50°C), curing mode (dual- or self-curing mode), and product (Excite DSC/Variolink II [VII] and XP Bond/Calibra [Cal]). The bonding agents were applied to the dentin surfaces according to manufacturers' instructions. For preheated groups, the LAs were heated to 50°C, subsequently mixed on a heated stirrer surface, and applied to the previously heated pre-polymerized resin discs (2 mm thickness, TPH-Spectrum). The discs were bonded to the dentin surfaces, and the LAs were either exposed to a curing light according to manufacturers' instructions or allowed to self-cure. Specimens were stored in relative humidity at 37°C for 7 days. Specimens were mesio-distally and bucco-lingually sectioned to obtain multiple bonded beams with a 1-mm² cross-sectional area for mTBS testing. Data (MPa) were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and Tukey's post hoc test (a = 5%) for each product. Specimen failure patterns were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. VII groups showed higher mTBS at 50°C than at 25°C regardless of curing mode (p = 0.05). Cal groups showed similar mTBS at 25°C and 50°C in all activation modes. The use of some dual-polymerizing LAs at 50°C may improve the mTBS of indirect restorations to dentin.
