CHIMIA (Jun 2018)
Chirality and Spin: A Different Perspective on Enantioselective Interactions
This review describes a new perspective on the role that electron spin plays in the intermolecular forces between two chiral molecules and between chiral molecules and surfaces. This different role of the spin arises from the chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS) effect which is manifest when electrons are moving in chiral molecules. Namely, it has been shown that as chiral molecules are charge polarized, the electron displacement is accompanied by spin polarization. The spin direction associated with each electric pole depends on the specific handedness of the molecule. Thus, the consideration of the dispersive forces between two molecules, or between a molecule and a substrate, must include the spin polarization which adds an enantioselective electronic term to the interaction potential. We review recent experiments that show the relation between charge polarization and spin polarization in chiral molecules. The spin polarization also affects the direction of the ferromagnetic substrate magnetic moment of a surface, upon which the chiral molecules are adsorbed.