Open Chemistry (Dec 2014)
Generation of High Frequency Pin-hole Discharge in Water Solutions
This paper presents results on electric discharge generation by high frequency high voltage (15–100 kHz) in NaCl solutions with different initial conductivity (100–1300 mS cm-1), and compares them with DC discharge in the same electrode configuration. A batch plasma reactor in the pin-hole configuration contained a ceramic dielectric barrier separating two planar stainless steel electrodes; barrier thickness of 0.6 mm and pin-hole diameter of 0.6 mm was used. Lissajous charts were evaluated from electric measurements for different discharge phases (electrolysis, bubble formation and discharge regular operation). Breakdown moments for different solution conductivities were determined from discharge power evaluation as a function of applied frequency. Breakdown voltage amplitude was decreased by the increasing conductivity in both regimes while frequency and current decreased. Changes of physical parameters (temperature, solution conductivity and pH) as well as production of hydrogen peroxide at different solution conductivities were compared. Solution conductivity was increased in both discharge regimes and with the initial conductivity value. Solution temperature was increased by the discharge in both regimes and with the increasing initial conductivity, too. Solution pH dropped to acidic conditions when HF or DC positive regime was applied while it was enhanced by DC negative regime.