Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Jun 2022)
The program “Escola da Terra” in Espírito Santo: continuing education of rural teachers in the module "Inclusion, interculturality and interdisciplinarity"
This paper presents the theoretical-methodological proposal used in the construction of the second module of the course "Improvement Escola da Terra", linked to the program Escola da Terra in Espírito Santo. Entitled "Inclusion, interculturality and interdisciplinarity in Rural Education", this educative process promoted reflections on the processes of inclusion and exclusion in its multiple perspectives (Plaisance, 2015; Skliar, 2003); on Rural Education from the perspective of bilingual critical interculturality (Maher, 2005, 2007; Walsh, 2009, 2010) and on interdisciplinary conceptions (Fazenda, 2008; Frigotto, 2008). The continuing education had as educational principles the research (Freire, 1983, 1996) and the alternation, with use of the following didactic-pedagogical mediations of the pedagogy of the alternation: Plan of Studies, Placement in Common, Notebook of Reality and Return Activities, which were organized in University-Time and Community-Time. Participation in the program was a challenge, given the multiple issues involved in the partnership between state and municipal public schools and the university, the educational institution responsible for offering the course. However, it allowed the reflection and discussion on the reality of the individuals of the different peasant territories of Espírito Santo, constituting na educative process of rural teachers that aimed to reinvent inclusive, intercultural, bilingual and interdisciplinar practices.