Frontiers in Dentistry (Oct 2015)
Pneumatized Articular Eminence and Assessment of Its Prevalence and Features on Panoramic Radiographs
Objectives: Pneumatized articular eminence or tubercle (PAT) is an air cell cavity in the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. Pneumatization of articular eminence may be seen incidentally on panoramic radiographs (PR) as a unilocular or multilocular, radiolucent defect. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence and the pattern of PAT on PR in an Iranian population. Materials and Methods: A total of 3,098 PRs belonging to 1,735 females and 1,363 males were retrospectively investigated for the presence and radiographic features of PAT. All PRs were taken for routine dental examination. Chi-square test, univariate odds ratio (OR) and corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI) and binary lo- gistic regression were used for statistical analysis. Results: PAT was found in 2.1 % of cases including 41 females and 23 males (with a mean age of 33.23±12.43 and 35.64±13.24 years, respectively, range 19-69 years). There were 40 unilateral and 24 bilateral cases (total: 88 PAT) in this study including 49 unilocular and 39 multilocular cases. There was no significant difference in PATbetween males and females or different age groups. (P>0.05 and all 95% CI included1). Binary logistic regression indicated that there was no relationship between the pres- ence of PAT and age or sex. Conclusion: Knowledge about this anatomical variation is helpful for clinicians who are planning to perform temporomandibular joint surgery. They should asses the radio- graphic imaging thoroughly before the surgery. It can also provide valuable information to understand the differential diagnosis of pathological entities in this region.