Education in the Knowledge Society (Feb 2013)

Developing the collaboration skills using the Serious Game MetaVals

  • Margarida Romero,
  • Mireia Usart Rodríguez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14, no. 1
pp. 123 – 142


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Developing collaboration skills is one of the main objectives of current competence-oriented educational systems. This development relates also to the communication and social skills. Because of their practice-based orientation, skills and competences require active learning methodologies to be developed, such the use of Serious Games (SG) in Game Based Learning (GBL) methodologies. SGs have been analysed as innovative tools allowing supporting the collaboration skills, although knowledge and curriculum orientation is still dominating the pedagogical research on the use of SG in formal educational contexts. This paper aims to analyse the impact of SG in the collaboration skills, through the analysis of a specific case study focused on the MetaVals SG.
