Türkiye Tarımsal Araştırmalar Dergisi (Sep 2014)

Effect of Lime and Sugar Industry Waste First Carbonification Sludge on the Yield and the Some Soil Properties in Hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Grown in Acid Soil

  • Gülen ÖZYAZICI

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 2
pp. 176 – 185


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This research was conducted to investigate the usage probabilities of the first carbonification sludge instead of agricultural lime in hazelnut plants grown in acid characterized soils and to determine the effects of the first carbonification sludge on some chemical properties of soil. The study was carried out between 2009 and 2011 years in Salıpazarı district of Samsun province. The plantations have been set up in randomized blocks with three repetitions. Test materials are first carbonate sludge and agricultural lime. Research topics are i) control (only chemical fertilizer application) ii) all lime requirement is met from agricultural lime (%100 agricultural lime) iii) half of lime requirement is met from first carbonate sludge iv) all lime requirement is met from first carbonate sludge v) 1.5 times of lime requirement is met from first carbonate sludge. As a result of the research, the highest yield (2.47 kg ocak-1) and kernel percentage (54%) were obtained from the research topic that 1.5 times of lime requirement is met from first carbonate sludge. The yield increase has occurred at the rate of 29 percentage with lime application and at the rate of 41 percentage with the first carbonate sludge application according to the control subject. A considerable positive relationship has been determined between the soil pH and phosphorus (r= 0.84**), potassium (r= 0.76**), changeable calcium (r= 0.77**) and a considerable negative relationship has been determined between the soil pH and iron (r= -0.62**).
