PLoS ONE (Jan 2013)

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Saarland, Germany: a statewide admission prevalence screening study.

  • Mathias Herrmann,
  • Christine Petit,
  • Alik Dawson,
  • Judith Biechele,
  • Alexander Halfmann,
  • Lutz von Müller,
  • Stefan Gräber,
  • Stefan Wagenpfeil,
  • Renate Klein,
  • Barbara Gärtner

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 9
p. e73876


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BACKGROUND: The screening of hospital admission patients for methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is of undisputed value in controlling and reducing the overall MRSA burden; yet, a concerted parallel universal screening intervention throughout all hospitals of an entire German Federal State has not yet been performed. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: During a four-week period, all 24 acute care hospitals of the State of Saarland participated in admission prevalence screening. Overall, 436/20,027 screened patients revealed MRSA carrier status (prevalence, 2.2/100 patients) with geriatrics and intensive care departments associated with highest prevalence (7.6/100 and 6.3/100, respectively). Risk factor analysis among 17,975 admission patients yielded MRSA history (OR, 4.3; CI₉₅ 2.7-6.8), a skin condition (OR, 3.2; CI₉₅ 2.1-5.0), and/or an indwelling catheter (OR, 2.2; CI₉₅ 1.4-3.5) among the leading risks. Hierarchical risk factor ascertainment of the six risk factors associated with highest odd's ratios would require 31% of patients to be laboratory screened to allow for detection of 67% of all MRSA positive admission patients in the State. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: State-wide admission prevalence screening in conjunction with risk factor ascertainment yields important information on the distribution of the MRSA burden for hospitals, and allows for data-based decisions on local or institutional MRSA screening policies considering risk factor prevalence and expected MRSA identification rates.