LingVaria (Nov 2022)
Kreowanie negatywnego obrazu instytucji religijnych w polskojęzycznej propagandzie radzieckiej okresu międzywojennego (na podstawie czasopisma „Bezbożnik Wojujący”)
CREATING A NEGATIVE IMAGE OF RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN POLISH-LANGUAGE SOVIET PROPAGANDA IN THE INTERWAR PERIOD (BASED ON THE MAGAZINE “BEZBOŻNIK WOJUJĄCY” [“MILITANT ATHEIST”]) The main issue discussed in this article is the negative image of religious institutions present in Polishlanguage propaganda in the interwar period. The research is based on the analysis of Polish-language Soviet magazine “Bezbożnik Wojujący”. It was published in USSR between 1929 and 1935. “Bezbożnik Wojujący” had some language variants (for example Georgian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian) and its main goal was anti-religious atheist propaganda among national minority communities. The magazine presented religious institutions as obscurantist, hypocritical, aimed at sabotage, and anti-Soviet. The objects of pejorativization included the Orthodox, Roman and Greek Catholic Churches, but also Protestants, members of locals sects, and certain Church initiatives such as the third order and the rosary circles. In the Soviet propaganda, which was based on Leninism, all religions were alien and hostile for working classes.