GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (Jul 2023)
Integration of biological molecular data into an existing drug therapy safety workflow used in hospital information systems
In the last few decades, precision medicine became a highly weighted subject as the risk of side effects grew with the increasing drug use. The mass of evolving pharmacogenetic data invites to establish a preemptive genotyping approach and the integration of those molecular data into the workflow of an existing hospital information system to improve the safety of drug therapy. The newly introduced software module GraphSAW2-DWHBuilder creates the graph-based data warehouse. For that, molecular data from various sources is assembled in a graph database. Furthermore, an update strategy was developed to ensure that only the latest version of the data is used. To eliminate redundancies and to guarantee efficient querying, a mapper strategy was established. Another new module named GraphSAW2-Check is embedded in an existing drug therapy safety workflow used in hospitals. It contains methods for the pharmacogenetic check, which access the molecular data warehouse of the GraphSAW2-DWHBuilder and execute queries on the graph. These queries contain the drugs and the molecular data of interest and search for connections that represent toxic associations between them. If a connection is found, a warning will be issued to the medical practitioner, who can then reconsider their prescription. The results reveal the added value of molecular data integration to the drug therapy safety.